I would like to recommend my sister, Carrie, for the Romance Languages program at your institution. Why, you ask? Well, where do I start... (I used bullet points so that you can clearly see the reasons).
1. She's a well-rounded person. Not only is she super smart, but she is hilarious and knows how to have fun. See exhibit A. This is an example of what she does in her spare time. (Don't worry, she doesn't really have rotten teeth. She has an entire mouthful of cavity free pearly whites).
Exhibit A

2. She is super creative and artsy. See exhibit 2. This is a photograph she composed.
Exhibit 2

3. She is honest.
She doesn't fart and pretend she didn't do it (like I do, I'll pull out a bottle of lotion and start spraying it everywhere)... she farts loud and proud!
4. She loves the farmers market. Come on now, have you ever met a person that loved the farmers market that wasn't incredibly awesome?
5. She plays the piano and might even write a song for you. She wrote a song for me, below are the lyrics:
"I loooooove YOU.... yes I DOooooooo. Yes I YES I DOOOOOOOOOOO!"
There are about 1,528 more reasons, but I should probably keep this to one page.
Thank you for your consideration. I just have to say that you would be SILLY not to accept her. SILLY SILLY SILLY.
Silly and Seriously Serious Sincere Regards,