Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Solutions to reimbursement difficulties.

So, my work is giving me a difficult time about reimbursing me for just about everything on a work trip I just took. One of them is for a taxi ride in which the driver was unable to produce a receipt, so I printed a copy of my bank activity with the transaction listed. Well, apparently that isn't good enough and they are refusing to reimburse me, so I sent an email that said...

"Some taxi companies don't give receipts, as was the case here. What am I supposed to do? Take a picture with my phone of myself in the taxi handing the guy money or my credit card?"

Oooops. I probably should have shut my computer for 20 minutes before sending that one... regardless, I "took a photo of myself" paying the taxi driver. Think this will work??
They also won't pay me for parking. I'm sorry, but I don't know of many parking meters that print receipts. Here's the photo I "took of myself" putting money in the meter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Big disappointments...

I do this all the time and never learn...

1. WRITE AN EMAIL.... to myself.
2. SEND it.
3. A short time later...
4. My reaction.
5. What I find...

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This post would probably be considered "R" rated, so read at your own risk.

I came across this word while on a vocabulary website. I was trying to find an interesting word for inspiration for an art project. Don't worry, this isn't the one I decided on to inspire me for my art (I'll continue my search after I post this), but I guess it ended up inspiring me to write this blog post... The word is, merkin. Apparently it means, a pubic wig for women. After reading this on a completely innocent website, I thought to myself, "What does that mean? Surely it's not what I think it is! A wig for your head made out of pubic hair or a wig for "you know where?" There must be a misspelling in the definition." They even had an audio clip for how to pronounce it.

So, then I thought, "Oh yeah, why don't I just Google it??! I'm sure to find an answer to my question that way!" Bad idea, Steph. Disturbing, yet semi- (I stress the semi) hilarious at the same time. There's strawberry shaped wigs, heart shaped wigs... yeah, I'm sorry, you probably didn't even want to know that. So, next time someone uses the word merkin, you'll know what it means.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What couch??

Oh yeah! The one I ordered over 2 months ago and haven't gotten yet?

This is a letter I received from the salesperson who sold me the couch.

This is my response letter that I will never send.

Dear Charles,

Thank you for the hand written letter - it was lovely. The plain white paper was a nice touch. The couch probably would be working for me beyond expectation, except that I haven't gotten it yet (yes, it's several days past the date you told me I should have it). In fact, I forgot that I even ordered a couch! I'm not sure if I should get excited again or continue to forget that a new couch is on the way, seeing that no one can really tell me what to expect. In regards to your offer to assist with any future needs, it would have been nice if you checked into the status of my order prior to sending this letter, so how about looking into it now?! You know what? No, scratch that.


P.S. Just a tip, chew some gum next time you are making a sale (I know, that's kind of harsh, but so was your breath).

The couch will now be ready in May, that's 7 weeks after the date we were supposed to have it... yup... I'm just going to go back to pretending I even bought a couch and when May (or December...2012) comes around I'll have a nice surprise!


Since I am taking a short break, my sister asked if she could be a guest blogger. Here is her post... Thank you to Annie for keeping my readers entertained!

This is what happens when Stephanie takes a hiatus from [fill in the blank] ...