I have a dream for my workplace that one day...1. People will actually acknowledge me when I say "Hello."
2. The automatic lights will stop turning off every hour and I won't have to wave my hands for 10 minutes to turn them back on. 3. I won't have to park a mile away because people will park INSIDE the yellow lines.
4. I will be able to print something, ANYTHING, from my computer.The typical conversation goes like this and the outcome is always the same...
Me: "Hey, the printer isn't working for me." Response: "Well, it should be working."
Me: "It's not and hasn't been for 8 months." Response: "Have you added the new network?"
Me: "Yes, several times, but that doesn't seem to be the problem." Response: " Well, it should be working."
5. Someone will care enough to finally give me an office phone that works. "Hello?" ... crackle, crackle, crackle
.... "Hi, this is Stepha" ... crackle, crackle, crackle
...6. The front desk assistants will do their jobs.