Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spanish Milk Drink

To continue my theme of the best emails sent between Carrie and I in 2010...

An email from Carrie 10/26/10

Here's a story from last night... I went over to my friend's apartment to study for our art history midterm that we have tomorrow, and there was a whole big group of us there. We decided at 11 that we were going to stop studying and head to the bar across the street for a drink. It's called Chapandaz but most people call it "The Cave Bar", and they have stalagmytes and stalactites coming down from the ceilings and drinks come out of them! So we go over, me with my tennis shoes, leggings, and backpack and do a tequila shot. Then my friend orders this milk drink which is SO cold and delicious and refreshing. It costs 10 euros though and I didn't want to buy an entire one for myself, so I just decided not to get it. Then, more of our friends join us and it was one of the guys birthday, so we all decide to pitch in 5 euros and go in on a HUGE bowl of this milk drink. WELL, it must be in our genes or something because I think I drank most of it on my own. Then I realized I should probably take my backpack off and show everyone how I can do the coffee grinder breakdance move.... good thing I was wearing my tennis shoes. It was a blast. Unfortunately when I got to school today everyone was asking me how I was feeling because apparently word got around. Oops! I feel fine though, really!

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